On October 1st at 33 weeks, 6 days, I went to the doctor because I was having contractions. He listened to the baby's heartbeat which was fine and checked me. I was one centimeter dilated. The doctor didn't see any reason to keep me, so he sent me home. The contraction continued that evening and got closer together, so I called the office to tell them. I went to went to the hospital, and they put us in an observation room. I was then 2 centimeters. I was having regular contractions, but Blair was fine. They gave me some medicine to stop the contractions and steroid shots in case I went into labor and did a swab to test for GBS. We stayed two nights and I came home on medicine to reduce contractions and hopefully allow me to make it at least one more week and hopefully more.
On Monday after discharge on Friday, I saw my doctor again, who said I was now almost 2 centimeters which was no change from the hospital. That week I was on medicine and stayed in bed as much as possible. I was still having contractions but they were never regular and didn't hurt. On Wednesday, October 8th I went to the store and was having contractions the whole time. I was used to this by now though, because I had been having them pretty regularly for two weeks now. At 6:20am on October 9th, I woke up when my water broke. We made the hour drive to the hospital. The contractions were strong, but they weren't very painful. We made it to the hospital around 8:30am. The doctor came and checked me, and I was already 6cm dilated. They told me that the swab they had done showed I was GBS positive. They hung my fluids, got my antibiotics started, and finally started my epidural. Blair was born at 2:05pm, almost exactly 4 hours after they hung my antibiotics. I was so worried when she came out. She was a good size, but she wasn't moving much. I knew something was wrong, and I kept asking if she was okay. She was in the NICU for almost 8 weeks. She had pneumonia from Group B Strep and yeast, and she had pulmonary hypertension. She came home on oxygen and was on it until she was 7 months old. She has auditory neuropathy but is developmentally progressing appropriately for her age. Blair is such a joy, a blessing and a miracle. She makes us laugh every day. We are so thankful to have her! — Ashlee Wood, USA
Marti Perhach
10/21/2018 11:55:45 am
Thank you very much, Ashlee, for sharing your and Blair's story and the important reminder that pregnant women should contact their providers right away with any concerns about preterm labor starting. Comments are closed.