Our Mission and Goals
The mission of Group B Strep International (GBSI) is to promote international awareness and prevention of Group B Strep disease in babies before birth through early infancy. Our goal is to be a central resource for GBS information in a variety of languages for both the general public and medical professionals. The scope of our mission includes actively supporting the GBS awareness and prevention efforts of individuals and organizations on a community or national level.
Group B Strep International’s focus includes all stages of a baby’s development in which they are susceptible to GBS infection. This ranges from unborn babies in the first trimester to infants up to six months of age. Projects include developing GBS awareness and prevention resources for countries that do not have an active program readily available. Group B Strep International is a non-profit public benefit corporation under the State of California.
Group B Strep International’s focus includes all stages of a baby’s development in which they are susceptible to GBS infection. This ranges from unborn babies in the first trimester to infants up to six months of age. Projects include developing GBS awareness and prevention resources for countries that do not have an active program readily available. Group B Strep International is a non-profit public benefit corporation under the State of California.
Our History
Group B Strep International was formed in April 2006 by John MacDonald and Marti Perhach who each lost a daughter to Group B strep (GBS). Both John and Pam MacDonald’s daughter, Hannah, and Chris and Marti Perhach’s daughter, Rose, were stillborn full-term. (Hannah's story can be read HERE and Rose's story can be read HERE.)
Both deaths were preventable, inspiring John and Marti to promote GBS awareness and prevention on a national level throughout the United States first with The Jesse Cause, Saving Babies from Group B Strep, as Vice-President and President respectively and then founding GBSI as a sister organization to expand the scope and audience of the campaign.
The efforts of Marti, John, and many other dedicated volunteers and GBS organizations have been rewarded with substantial changes over the past years: The US CDC changed its recommendation from risk-based screening of pregnant women for GBS to universal screening of all pregnant women.
Group B Strep International welcomes your support in our campaign to promote GBS awareness and prevention around the world, in memory and honor of all the babies and the families whose lives have been affected by GBS.
Both deaths were preventable, inspiring John and Marti to promote GBS awareness and prevention on a national level throughout the United States first with The Jesse Cause, Saving Babies from Group B Strep, as Vice-President and President respectively and then founding GBSI as a sister organization to expand the scope and audience of the campaign.
The efforts of Marti, John, and many other dedicated volunteers and GBS organizations have been rewarded with substantial changes over the past years: The US CDC changed its recommendation from risk-based screening of pregnant women for GBS to universal screening of all pregnant women.
Group B Strep International welcomes your support in our campaign to promote GBS awareness and prevention around the world, in memory and honor of all the babies and the families whose lives have been affected by GBS.