Presented by Sherokee Ilse, BA, BLFAMeasurable Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to… 1. List 3 examples of mothers who successfully or unsuccessfully used their intuition when advocating for their baby. 2. Speak or write down 3 examples of what to say to a medical provider to show one’s concern for the health of a baby and to seek a care strategy that may not be supported by the provider. 3. What 2-3 options do mothers have to seek/gain care for their baby when they are turned down or not heard by their medical provider. ABOUT THE PRESENTER: ![]() Sherokee Ilse, BA, BLFA Sherokee is an International speaker, grief and loss trainer, bereaved parent and author of 18 books/booklets mostly on infant loss, including her first and most popular self-help book for parents and families, Empty Arms: Coping with Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Death and a co-authored book with Tim Nelson, Couple Communication After a Baby Dies: Differing Perspectives. Her newest book is, The Prenatal Bombshell: Help and hope when continuing or ending a precious pregnancy after an abnormal diagnosis. She had three babies who died too soon and two living sons. Through her newest organization, Loss Doulas International and Baby Loss Family advisors, she trains and helps certify individuals to become one-to-one companions, advisors, guides, and navigators to families soon after hearing the bad news, through their process of preparation and meeting their baby, and beyond. Comments are closed.