My baby was born with GBS and died 17 hours later, the hospital didn't start treatment for at least 5 hours after birth. I was at the University of Kentucky in Lexington KY. This was supposed to be a very good hospital. My baby and I had a lot of the same signs and symptoms that I read about on your web site.
I had four yeast infections while pregnant and twice was told to use something over the counter, I was 36 weeks when my membranes ruptured, I was in labor for nineteen hours and I was checked vaginally about 5 times at least and never offered antibiotics. My baby would not nurse and had trouble breathing. He laid there with an oxygen mask in front of him for just about 5 hours before going to neonatal. Without the oxygen mask his heart rate would drop. I had a vaginal screening at 35 wks and had a negative result from what the hospital told me. I feel that maybe my case could be somewhat useful to your research. My son's autopsy report says he died of a non-hemolytic form of group B strep only found in 1 percent of babies.
I knew nothing about group B strep before this and he was my fourth child...and it seemed as though the medical people caring for me failed to educate me on it. I really want to see things done differently for women and their children.
I think about my loss daily. It's hard to accept and I just want to help make a change.
In memory of Julian Sky
— Tami Minor, KY, USA
I had four yeast infections while pregnant and twice was told to use something over the counter, I was 36 weeks when my membranes ruptured, I was in labor for nineteen hours and I was checked vaginally about 5 times at least and never offered antibiotics. My baby would not nurse and had trouble breathing. He laid there with an oxygen mask in front of him for just about 5 hours before going to neonatal. Without the oxygen mask his heart rate would drop. I had a vaginal screening at 35 wks and had a negative result from what the hospital told me. I feel that maybe my case could be somewhat useful to your research. My son's autopsy report says he died of a non-hemolytic form of group B strep only found in 1 percent of babies.
I knew nothing about group B strep before this and he was my fourth child...and it seemed as though the medical people caring for me failed to educate me on it. I really want to see things done differently for women and their children.
I think about my loss daily. It's hard to accept and I just want to help make a change.
In memory of Julian Sky
— Tami Minor, KY, USA
To learn more about Perinatal & GBS Misconceptions, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.