I am 30 years old. It was my first pregnancy. I've been married for 9 years to the man I love very much. We were very excited to learn that we were pregnant after 8 years of trying to conceive. On a late Friday night I started having symptoms of a UTI infection. My doctor was not in until Monday morning so I just thought that I could just wait until Monday. I wrong for doing that. My infection was so severe that it ruptured my water sac and my husband rushed me to the nearest hospital. I got admitted in and the doctor said that hopefully my water sac would fill back up. If not there was not much to do for my baby. It was very heartbreaking to hear those words coming from the doctor. They asked me some questions and ran some tests. When they did they tested for GBS known as, of course, group G strep, it came back positive which is the reason that my bag of waters broke. It was so severe that it just ruptured it. How sad that us pregnant women have to wait until we are 35 to 37 weeks pregnant to get tested for this baby-killing infection. If my doctor would have tested me for early on I really do think that i would still be pregnant and not mourning my baby girl. So ladies please do ask your doctor to test you early if they are not willing to I strongly advise to get another doctor. My heart goes out to all the mothers that lost there little angels. My heart will always be with my baby girl. May she rest in peace. Hope to see her in heaven when I get there. In Loving Memory of Gloria Lynn Ramirez 10/12/08
From a heartbroken mother,
Victoria aka Cake— Victoria Ramirez, TX, USA
From a heartbroken mother,
Victoria aka Cake— Victoria Ramirez, TX, USA
To learn more about Perinatal & GBS Misconceptions, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.