What a journey we've been on!
It doesn't seem like a year. Our first rainbow baby died; Again we put aside our fear. It's only because of the storm, Another baby's on the way. Three is all we planned; We'd expected you to stay. Was your body a short-term home? And as perfect as it was, Your soul had a greater purpose?! This can't be 'just because!' Baby shower to baby death, Is difficult to comprehend. But there's many enlightened souls, And cards they did send. People said "there are no words," Others chose not to speak. We endured isolation and misunderstanding; Others made the cognitive leap. Some approached, cried and listened; Others were consumed by their own distress. My counsellor highlighted this: Protect others less. People might turn and walk away; -Ignorance, discomfort, taboo. But the biggest discomfort of all, Is MY pain from losing you! "Where's the baby?!" "Someone's missing!" "How many kids do you have?" So many expectant people. A new world with no sat-nav. We didn't just "lose a pregnancy;" We lost a lifetime together. Our first born daughter - 8 pounds, 6. People focussed on the weather! The preventability of your death, Near impossible to accept. Broken trust, falsification and lies; Your legacy I will protect. Two whole decades have passed; Australia's stillborn rate's unchanged! No independent coroner's investigation?! The system's truly deranged! One in three stillbirths are preventable, As are most cases of GBS. In your name I'm raising awareness, Fuelled by anger I must confess. "GBS? What's that?" "Oh, I wasn't even swabbed." "No one even mentioned it!" INFORMED consent?! - Robbed! 1 in 4 women carry GBS; A normal bacteria, not an STD. Who knew it would cause, A deadly infection in you - not me?! Negative with my first, Positive with another. Status in pregnancy can change, From one to the other. Meningitis, septicaemia, pneumonia; Infections that take lives. Cerebral palsy, hearing and vision loss; Permanent disability - if baby survives. |
Why aren't mothers empowered?
Given ACCURATE information that they request?! Why are their voices dismissed?! It's the arrogance I detest! "You'll get antibiotics in labour;" "Go in if your waters break." "Babies USED to die from GBS;" Get educated FFS! 4.1 million babies a year, Are harmed by GBS! Parents need the information; With education, there'd be less. A leading cause of perinatal death, Is perinatal infection. Deaths attributable to GBS, Due to NO antibiotic protection! A Queensland GBS study, Found known risk factors in 67% 81% received INADEQUATE treatment! A clear message needs to be sent! Labour confirmed - "bubs is protected;" "Your waters are intact." "Nope - no risk of infection." Professional development seriously lacked! Labour itself is a risk factor, For the transmission of GBS. Membrane sweeping is controversial; We'll cross our fingers I guess! "High risk? No worries!" "Close monitoring can be done." "Oh, you ARE in labour!" "Well enjoy the weekend, have fun!" Your strong soul can be felt by some; Your life filled mine with purpose. I am your Earth-based voice. Your death does not curse us. Love is what makes a family; You are the spirit that binds us. Mum and Dad are still married, After worrying divorce would find us. Elaria Rhiannon Jones-Kuys; So perfect, so chubby, so cute. Born on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day, With a clear message to boot. A little sister to two older brothers; Your whole body was perfectly formed. Not following CDC protocol, Meant your life would be mourned. Today you might've been walking, Tomorrow laughing at home. A sister, daughter, and grandchild, Left at the hospital, cold and alone. Born two days before your due date; 15 October '17 was the day. You looked truly beautiful; How we wished you could stay. I'm sorry that I can't give back, All that you have given me. Your life was in fact a gift; That's now plain to see. Out of appreciation for your life, I'll honour you in death. Your life IS important! You just weren't given chance, to take a breath. |
– Kerry
To learn more about Perinatal & GBS Misconceptions, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.