Our twin boys, Clark and Sawyer, were born early at 28 weeks,4 days. 2 lbs 11 oz and 2 lbs 2 oz. Mom was positive for group B strep and given antibiotics when she went into preterm labor. The boys were given the proper antibiotics, but 13 days into their NICU stay, Clark had apnea episodes and was intubated. He was septic., but even knowing their mother's history, they did not treat properly for GBS. When they finally saw the culture from the blood confirm GBS, they failed to treat with the correct antibiotics and when changed to the correct antibiotics, they gave the wrong dose. At 4 days since he first became septic, they finally performed a lumbar puncture and it confirmed severe GBS meningitis. Their penicillin G dose was wrong and they had to increase his dose 300%.
By then our dear dear Superman had been severely harmed by this demonic infection. 5 brain surgeries, 2 hip reconstruction surgeries, 2 dental surgeries, 1 feeding tube surgery, 1 eye surgery, multiple Botox and ham string releases later, our baby boy is stable and we are doing our best to care for him and his 10 year old twin brother, who also became septic with GBS, but was given the right meds and did not get meningitis. If I could go back in time and know what I know now, I feel I could change his world. And if I had to, I would gladly give my legs and life just so he could be healed or I could hear him say that he loves Mommy and Daddy. Clark's twin, Sawyer is whole and healthy, in gifted classes, and plays guitar and piano. He is what Clark would and should be if only there was no such thing as GBS.
- Todd and Kelli Chamberlin
Clark's parents say, "We are in the healthcare field and share our story with others who are pregnant and test positive for GBS. We tell them all the things we wish we had known. If only someone had spoken to us...."
By then our dear dear Superman had been severely harmed by this demonic infection. 5 brain surgeries, 2 hip reconstruction surgeries, 2 dental surgeries, 1 feeding tube surgery, 1 eye surgery, multiple Botox and ham string releases later, our baby boy is stable and we are doing our best to care for him and his 10 year old twin brother, who also became septic with GBS, but was given the right meds and did not get meningitis. If I could go back in time and know what I know now, I feel I could change his world. And if I had to, I would gladly give my legs and life just so he could be healed or I could hear him say that he loves Mommy and Daddy. Clark's twin, Sawyer is whole and healthy, in gifted classes, and plays guitar and piano. He is what Clark would and should be if only there was no such thing as GBS.
- Todd and Kelli Chamberlin
Clark's parents say, "We are in the healthcare field and share our story with others who are pregnant and test positive for GBS. We tell them all the things we wish we had known. If only someone had spoken to us...."
To learn more about Perinatal & GBS Misconceptions, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor, click HERE.
To learn more about the Signs & Symptoms of GBS Infection, click HERE.
To learn more about Why Membranes Should NOT Be Stripped, click HERE.
To learn more about How to Help Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep (GBS), click HERE.